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Sports Chiropractic in Allentown

man lacing up running shoesWhether you’re an avid CrossFitter, weekend warrior or occasional gym-goer, chiropractic care can help you perform at your athletic best. Chiropractic is a proven scientific, evidence-based medicine that helps rejuvenate the body and rehab it with stretches, protocols and hands-on therapies.

How Chiropractic Helps Athletes

Here are some of the many ways that athletes can benefit from chiropractic care:

  • Relieves pain
  • Helps prevent injuries
  • Improves range of motion and function
  • Care for injuries
  • Improves performance

One of the ways our practice is different is that we can evaluate your form while you’re doing your particular sport. For example, we can have you demonstrate your golf swing. If the form you use can’t be replicated in our clinic (e.g. the form you use while rock climbing) you can have someone film you and then you can show that video to one of our chiropractors.

If you’re hurting in a particular area we will look at your form and evaluate what’s going on.

The hands-on aspect of chiropractic is a key part of determining what’s going on with your body. Once we determine the root of the problem we’ll craft a care plan including rehab protocol to get you out of pain and on the path to recovery. You won’t get cookie-cutter care here. Instead, we will tailor care to your goals and what you need and make sure we’re addressing your challenges.

In addition to manual and instrument-assisted chiropractic care, we offer the following to help athletes: Hypervolt Percussion Therapy, Myofascial Release and rehab equipment (including TheraBands and foam rollers).

Schedule an Appointment

Whether you have pain from a sports injury or feel great and want to stay at your athletic best, we want to help. Contact us today to book an appointment!


Sports Chiropractor Allentown PA | (610) 351-8297